Jungbleiben is intended for adults who want to stay young:
How I can stay young: Life guide by age group. How youthfulness manifests itself in the different age groups (21 to 85 years) and which exercises help to be youthful at each age.

Volker Rothfuß
For many years, Volker Rothfuß has been studying the key creative and formative influences on people in the areas of health, vitality and joy of life. On his new channel, he asks about inner youth in the various stages of development over the course of life. For example, a person aged 60 feels spiritually young in a different way than a person aged 33. Inner youth is a new knowledge platform that helps people to be youthful from within. „In order to provide the right recommendations, you need extensive knowledge of human development and the principles of what we associate with the term youth in nature and in people,“ says Volker Rothfuß. For 25 years, the soul forces and movement researcher headed his press office in Stuttgart with a focus on „health“. With his experience as an author, lecturer and publisher, he shares his knowledge on TV, the web, video and print.

The years pass the same for everyone. But some people seem much younger than others of the same age! What is their secret?
Volker Rothfuß
Autor, Journalist und Verleger